We want to help you on your journey!

Join a series of group conversations that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment. At each Alpha session, you’ll be hosted in a small group and watch an episode on a different question of faith – then you have a chance to share your thoughts and hear what others think. You can say anything you like, or nothing at all. Everyone’s welcome. You’re invited, no matter your background or beliefs. It’s free and there’s no pressure to come back.

The entire storyline of the Bible is built around the answer to this question.
While there are many questions in life we don’t know, the answer to this question is supremely clear.
From beginning to end, the Bible is all about Jesus. Jesus came to show us what God is like.
What makes Jesus so unique compared to every other religion, is that Jesus came to sacrifice himself for people, not the other way around.
Jesus chose to come down from heaven and live a fully human life. The Bible is clear that in addition to being fully God, he was also fully human and he was born as a baby, which we celebrate at Christmas.
As Jesus grew up, he lived perfectly and without regret. The Bible is clear and our own life experiences shows us that we all have flaws and have hurt ourselves and most likely others as well, which separates us from a God who is perfect.
But while he lived as fully human Jesus Christ was unique in that he lived perfectly. He lived life fully honoring God, in perfect obedience to God’s way of life.
Not only did Jesus live a perfect life, but after three years of teaching, training, and even healing people, he allowed himself to be arrested and handed over to his enemies. He chose not to fight back or state his case, but instead received the death penalty for false accusations and crimes he didn’t commit. He did this so that in his unjust death, he could take God’s punishment for every injustice committed by humanity.
After dying on the cross, Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb. However the story doesn’t end there. After being buried in a tomb, three days later, Jesus was raised to life again by God’s power. He appeared to his friends and crowds of over 500 people at once, proving he was the Son of God, confirming everything he had taught.
This affects us today, because if you choose to believe Jesus and the work he accomplished, you get the benefit of his perfect life. You’re also free from the justice of God and punishment deserved from anything wrong you’ve done, no matter how bad. Because of Jesus, we can be free from God’s justice, because Jesus himself paid for us, if we choose to trust in him.
Making a decision to follow Jesus means you recognize who Jesus is and what he has done for you. It means having the self-awareness and humility to realize that on your own, you don’t meet God’s perfect standard for living, and you accept Jesus’ work for you, on your behalf.
The decision to believe in Jesus is not one to be taken lightly. In fact Jesus told people to count the cost of following him. Jesus absolutely transforms the way we live, our values, and our purpose in life as we live out God’s radical love for people.
In making the decision to follow Jesus, you are acknowledging that he is God and you are not. Choosing Jesus means placing him above all else in life, and in fact is the only way to live the full life you were created for.
When you make the decision to follow Jesus, God promises to send his Spirit to come and empower you, guide you, and teach you. You also become part of his global church family that is pursuing help and helping others do the same.
If you are ready to make a decision to follow Jesus, here’s how.
The Bible says that if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you will be saved. (Acts 16:31)
How do you trust in Jesus? You can do it right now, wherever you’re reading this.
You can pray a simple prayer to God acknowledging that what he says is true:
God I know I’ve lived apart from you. I want to receive your grace because of Jesus. I believe that you sent Jesus, and that he has paid for all the wrong things I’ve done so I don’t have to pay. I confess that I have done wrong and have broken your standard of perfect living. I believe in Jesus and accept his work on my behalf. Please help me to follow you with my whole life and help me share the love I have found in you.
If this prayer reflects your sincere heart to follow Jesus and obey him, then you have become a Christian. There’s nothing magic about these specific words, they merely reflect a life that is honest and humble before God.
We’d love to encourage you and congratulate you as you begin your new life with Jesus.
Put your name in below and we’ll send you some ideas to help you learn more and grow in your faith.

Whether you just became a Christian by reading the Gospel on our website, or you have been a Christian for years but not yet been baptized, we’d love to help you take that next step.
The Great Commission of Jesus instructs, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
-Matthew 28:19-20
“Believer’s baptism” is a practice where individuals who have personally professed faith in Jesus Christ are baptized by immersion in water. This baptism is seen as a public declaration of their faith and commitment to follow Jesus.
Symbolically, believer’s baptism represents several key aspects of the Christian faith:
Identification with Christ: Baptism symbolizes the believer’s identification with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Just as Jesus died and rose again, believers are symbolically buried in the water and raised to new life.
Cleansing and Forgiveness: Baptism symbolizes the forgiveness of sins and the believer’s cleansing from sin. It represents a spiritual cleansing and a new beginning in the life of the believer.
Unity with the Church: Baptism is also a symbol of unity with the body of Christ, the Church. It signifies that the believer is now a part of the community of faith and shares in the common life and mission of the Church.
Public Declaration of Faith: Believer’s baptism is a public declaration of one’s faith in Jesus Christ. It is a way of publicly proclaiming one’s commitment to follow Jesus and live according to his teachings.
Overall, believer’s baptism is a significant and meaningful practice in our church tradition, symbolizing a person’s faith, commitment, and new life in Christ.

Want to hear more and know more about FBC? Come hear about who FBC is, what FBC Believes, what FBC values, and where you can connect to the FBC family through our Next Steps Class for new members and those considering membership and receiving our “righthand of fellowship!” Free childcare (4 and under) and lunch provided. Reservation required.

We strive to be good stewards of all the resources entrusted to us, from buildings to office supplies, and from local pastors to foreign missionaries. Growing disciples are generous disciples. You can give in person or online, and you can even set up recurring transactions so you don’t miss a week.

Worshipping Jesus is at the center of all we do, every time we gather. Each worship service also features the proclamation of God’s matchless Word. Through corporate worship, God grows Christians to be more like Jesus. We also offer children’s classes and a youth gathering during our 10:30am worship service so that kids and teens can worship with their peers and get a Bible message tuned just for them. That said, kids are always welcome to worship alongside their parents in both our services!

Community is an essential part of spiritual growth. Our groups come in different varieties, but all of them are small communities focused on living, loving, and leading like Jesus in authentic relationships. Check out our current Life Groups meeting around the Eugene-Springfield area!

God doesn’t save people so they can sit around for the rest of their lives. God is building His kingdom here on earth through the Body of Christ. He’s given believers a spiritual giftedness to contribute to the church and our community. We encourage you to step into a service role at First B where you feel fulfilled & empowered.

Our goal in missions is to continue the cycle of discipleship by partnering with missionaries around the world, launching long-term missionaries of our own, and sending short-term teams to contribute to the ongoing work of partners around the globe and experience global opportunities for the gospel.
upcoming events
Register for classes, events, and gatherings that are happening on our campus and around the community through our Church Center app and website!
3550 FOX MEADOW ROAD, eugene, or 97408
Our modern church campus is located just off of Coburg Road, South of Armitage State Park.

Every Thursday around 4pm, we send out our First B Weekly Email Blast to subscribers with current church news, upcoming events, and opportunities to serve.
get our bible reading plans
A number of Bible reading plans are available for download to help you practice the spiritual discipline of reading God’s Word on a daily basis.
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